Women & Girl’s Wellbeing Expo – Caboolture

November 23, 2024 @ 9:00 am – 12:00 pm
Morayfield Community Hall
Zonta Club of Caboolture Inc

Save the date for the inaugural Zonta Caboolture’s Women and Girl’s Wellbeing Expo … See, Do, Be Better. Featuring workshops run by local service providers and experts in the fields of women’s health, financial wellbeing, relationships, safety and more.

We will feature stalls by local service providers and businesses supporting women and girls’ wellbeing during the expo. These local organisations will be available to answer questions and provide information. Some will have free give aways for visitors.

The event is free to all. Tickets will be available on Humanitix including FREE entry, coffee and morning tea gift voucher, and show bag on entry, as well as free face painting for children.

Contact us for more information or to register your business or service for the expo.